We believe in the great sacrament of Baptism as a symbolic act of God’s grace drawing us into God’s Kingdom family. We believe this grace is also extended to infants as well.
As a Methodist body, we believe that Baptism is only needed once. Although, we make mistakes daily falling short of God’s commands. We are reminded of our humanity during Holy Communion, which reminds us of Jesus’ work of forgiveness while on the cross.
We have three ways in which we perform Baptisms.
Sprinkling- water is applied by hand to the forehead
Pouring- water is poured over the head
Immersion- the whole body is totally immersed in water
When Baptisms Are Performed
If you need or someone you know needs to be baptized please contact the Church Office by phone (614-888-0894) or email stjohnameccol@gmail.com.
or fill out the New Member Form. Someone will contact you with the next steps.