Serving the Community

How can one say you love and serve God, yet keep quiet of all the wonderful things God has done for each of us. We do an injustice to God when we only praise and speak of God’s goodness to our fellow worshippers and not to the community at large. God is our Savior for all the world, all of our community.

It is our duty to share the Good News with our community and be witness to God’s Love and His amazing Grace and Mercy! The church is not represented by just the physical building where we worship each Sunday, but how we witness and do for our community. 

Ministries defined at St. John to support this aspect of the vision:

    Benevolence -- Bereavement -- Exercise  

    Health & Wellness -- Library -- Seniors

    Women’s Missionary Society -- Tutorial

Micah 6:8 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

Ministries that

Serve the Community


Gives assistance both in gifts and financial, in cases of need and/or comfort, and in celebration to members of church.


Assist members during time of bereavement to plan for funerals, repast, and other needs as requested by the member and the pastor.


Coordinates preparation of food for all church social functions.  Purchases food after completion and approval by Pastor of the Food Purchase Form.  Ensures that the kitchen is maintained in a clean and orderly manner and meets all government requirements.

Exercise / Health & Wellness:  Shirley Seward

Promotes good physical health and wellness by providing exercise options and programs that educate and empower the church community to achieve and maintain a healthy mind, body and spirit.

Library:   Jessica Edwards

Maintains the church library inventory and promotes reading programs for youth and adults.

Young at Heart Seniors: Sunny Adams

Promotes Christian growth and fellowship among the members and friends of the church ages 55 and older.

Tutors: A. Marie Garraway-Deep

Tutor adult and youth students in mathematics, science, and reading as requested by either the student or his or her parents.

Women’s Missionary Society (WMS):   Clarice Davies

Coordinates missionary activities of the local church, area and conference. Provides food and clothing to the homeless and establishes and maintains an emergency food pantry.