• Wealth Management Ministry - adults

    First Tuesdays ~ 7:00 PM

    This month - April 2nd

    Virtual and In Person

    Topic will include:

    Tithing ~ Savings

    Home Ownership ~ Investing

    Estate Planning ~ Trusts

    Contact Randy Russell for information

  • Winning Experiences

    Second Sundays ~ Following Worship

    Teaching our youth about the Constitution, Laws, HBCU opportunities, speaking, and governments of other countries in Africa

    Leader: Dr. Vesta Daniels


    Second Thursdays

    1:30 - 2:30

  • In person bible study

    Second, Third and Fourth Tuesdays - 7:00 PM

        Through the Bible .. a face to face Bible Study with friends

        Join us to read through the Bible.

               The entrance of the WORD bring light...

               Without FAITH it is impossible to please God

               FAITH comes by hearing, hearing by THE WORD

  • Getting to Know You Ministry

    Second Sunday

    Immediately after Worship

    Take time to get to know each other as we share our stories!

  • Stewardship Cell Group

    God owns it ALL!  The air we breathe, our time, our time, our talents - our lives!  We're just administrators acting on His behalf!

    Join us each 3rd Sunday

    as we study the biblical concepts of STEWARDSHIP

  • YPD Meeting

    Third Sunday

    Immediately following Worship

    YPD Leader, Karen Coleman

  • Men's Prayer breakfast

    Men's Prayer Breakfast and Business Meeting

    Fourth Saturdays - 9:00 AM

  • Wealth Management - for youth

    Fourth Sundays

    Following Worship